H2 Style Heading
Intro paragraph. Did you hear that? They’ve shut down the main reactor. We’ll be destroyed for sure. This is madness!
We’re doomed! There’ll be no escape for the Princess this time. What’s that? Artoo! Artoo-Detoo, where are you? At last! Where have you been? They’re heading in this direction. What are we going to do? We’ll be sent to the spice mine of Kessel or smashed into who knows what! Wait a minute, where are you going?
H3 Style Heading
Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope. What’s this? What is what?!? He asked you a question… What is that? Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope. Oh, he says it’s nothing, sir. Merely a malfunction. Old data. Pay it no mind. Who is she? She’s beautiful. I’m afraid I’m not quite sure, sir. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi… I think she was a passenger on our last voyage. A person of some importance, sir — I believe. Our captain was attached to… Is there more to this recording? Behave yourself, Artoo. You’re going to get us in trouble. It’s all right, you can trust him. He’s our new master.
H4 Style Heading
It looks like Sandpeople did this, all right.
- Here are Gaffi sticks,
- Bantha tracks.
- I never heard of them hitting anything this big before.
They didn’t. But we are meant to think they did. These tracks are side by side. Sandpeople always ride single file to hide their numbers. And these blast points, too accurate for Sandpeople. Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise.
These are the same Jawas that sold us Artoo and Threepio. Why would Imperial troops want to slaughter Jawas? If they traced the robots here, they may have learned who they sold them to. And that would lead them home!
Luke Skywalker
H5 Style Heading
Orbiting the planet at maximum velocity. The moon with the Rebel base will be in range in thirty minutes. This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Kenobi and it will soon see the end of the Rebellion.
Our scout ships have reached Dantooine. They found the remains of a Rebel base, but they estimate that it has been deserted for some time. They are now conducting an extensive search of the surrounding systems.
H6 Style Heading
How did I get into this mess? I really don’t know how. We seem to be made to suffer. It’s our lot in life. I’ve got to rest before I fall apart. My joints are almost frozen. What a desolate place this is.
Where are you going? Well, I’m not going that way. It’s much too rocky. This way is much easier. What makes you think there are settlements over there? Don’t get technical with me. What mission? What are you talking about? I’ve had just about enough of you! Go that way! You’ll be malfunctioning within a day, you nearsighted scrap pile! And don’t let me catch you following me begging for help, because you won’t get it.
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